UniDex launches Magma Testnet

UniDex launches Magma Testnet

Today marks an important step in our collaboration with UniDex: the official launch of UniDex's Magma Testnet.

About Magma Testnet

The Magma Testnet is designed to provide a sandbox environment for the UniDex community to explore, test, and provide feedback on their features. This feedback will be instrumental in making necessary adjustments and improvements before we transition to the live environment.

The Magma Testnet includes several features that improve the end-user experience. These enhancements have been developed to optimize the DeFi trading experience:

  • Reduced transaction fees: By harnessing Caldera's app-rollup, transaction fees are a fraction of what they would .
  • Instant confirmations: Users can now receive immediate transaction confirmations, streamlining the trading process.
  • $UNIDX token payments: Users can pay transaction fees using UniDex's native token, $UNIDX, providing an integrated and seamless trading experience.

Alongside these new enhancements, the Magma Testnet continues to offer UniDex's signature features such as the powerful aggregation of various trading instruments like options, swaps, and perpetuals.

Try out Magma!

If you love DeFi, try out Magma Testnet!

Join their discord channel here at this URL https://discord.gg/W2TByeuD7R, where you will find information on how to get started.

Or, add the network now via metamask:

chainId: 5061913
HTTP(S) RPC: https://unidex-test.calderachain.xyz/http
Websocket RPC: wss://unidex-test.calderachain.xyz/ws
Block explorer: https://unidex-test.calderaexplorer.xyz/
Native currency: UNIDX

And be sure to follow both UniDex and Caldera on Twitter to stay updated on developments and announcements.

🐦 Follow Unidex: @UniDexFinance

🐦 Follow Caldera: @calderaxyz